

When I first started blogging and using instagram back in 2014 I don't wanna say it was easy, but it was certainly easier than it is today. My instagram growth was so quick within the first year that people used to say, how did you grow so quick.

My secret?


Within the first year of blogging and instagramming, I'd been regrammed by Primark about 5 times which boosted my following loads! Then I'd won a competition with Benefit which got regrammed by their instagram and I was featured on their blog. Then I'd won a competition with Superdrug which was again regrammed by their instagram and I was featured on their emails.

Back then, brands LOVED to repost your images because they loved the content you created for them.
They weren't scared of it ruining their feed because they knew if they regrammed and reposted your images then they would have more people creating images for the chance to get featured on their instagram.

The reason I'm still stuck on 18k when I have been doing it for 4 years is because brands are not bothered anymore. They're unappreciative of the work that you carry out and produce for them that they don't even bother liking the image never mind reposting it.

I know they pay people to create content for them but their support is what helps us grow which in turn makes us produce more imagery for that brand.

The reason why I love creating content for Benefit is - because they actually repost different people! You have the same brands reposting the SAME influencers work over and over and its just getting a bit boring now.

Yeah, they're good at what they do but howay there's more of us out there that create to the same level if not better.
Brands need to support the people that are supporting them (without payment may I add) because its like for like ( not literally, were not back in 2k14)

We support you, you support us.

Because with this whole instagram algorithm, we all need to support one another.

I honestly cant remember the last time a brand reposted my image apart from Benefit. So hats off to Benefit for keeping it real!

To all those that don't bother supporting the people that create content for them, and keep using the same creators over and over. Well, screw you.

Whilst I'm on the subject of being reposted - this whole #yestopshop - is not okay.
They're asking you to basically have your image and they don't even have to credit you even if they use it for media use. So I never reply with yes, I always say yes if they credit me but I never reply with their hashtag because that means you're signed a contract basically.

I'd also just like to mention one blogger who has been bringing smaller bloggers to her viewers attention which create such a stir for that smaller blogger because you can get thousands of new followers just off that one mention. Lydia Elise Millen has started to use her channel where she has 691k followers for a good cause of something that won't cost her anything but it has major effects on the blogger that she mentions. She's basically mentions a blogger that she has been liking lately and sending all of her followers to this smaller blogger which in turn sends lots of new work etc. So hats off & I certainly think more bigger bloggers should do the same to show their appreciation for people who follow and support them.

Another super honest post guys but you all seem to like these personal posts.

Laura xox

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