Yes i got to meet Charlotte Tilbury! Like full on shake her hand and have a chat with her kinda meet. I was super lucky enough to be invited over by Newcastle Fenwicks store to meet her and have a sit down chat with her. We all got there and the suspense was killing most of us. After stepping into a room that looked like christmas with all of her products spread out on the table for us to look at in awe.
She then came in and was so at ease and make us feel very at home, she then came round and shook everyones hand and asked their name.
She was so canny (geordie lingo) and she even said PUSSY haha.
She talked through her entire collection and how she came about each and every product.
Unfortunately i had to leave before she finished because i popped in in my lunch hour at work just so i didn't miss her.
At the end too we also got the BEST goodie bag too.
You may have seen if you follow me on snapchat. For those that don't you missed out - LAUCRAN36 so you don't miss out again.
P.s i am going to mexico in 3 weeks, would you guys like me to start youtube and do my first video to be a vlog?!
Let me know in the comments so i know whether too or not.

Yes, please start Youtube! I would love to see a vlog from Mexico xx
ReplyDeleteAmanda -