I got invited to try this crazy new technology by Kern Fitness.
I didn't really understand but i love trying new things out especially if they claim to help me get fit!
Especially because it is in the center of Newcastle which is where i work so super easy to get to.
I am so busy and with a full time job and a blog i find it hard to fit in time to go to the gym or gym classes which is why i don't and this is the perfect solution.
Anyone who claims i can do a 3 hour workout in 20 minutes, WHERE DO I SIGN?!
So i turn up, just right behind central station in a little shop like gym and was greeted by the owner who is the nicest person i have met. He explains it is a German concept and it massive over there and has been for 8 years so he thought he would bring it to us.
The idea behind it is that you complete a 20 min personal training session whilst you wear a special vest connected to an Electro-Muscular-Stimulation device which sends low frequency current to your muscles whilst you work out. This makes your workout very effective as it targets the large and small muscle groups at the same time. Which may not be affected doing a normal workout.
You can do a full body workout or train one part of the body at a time. So you could get a Kim K booty without training too hard on your arms or stomach!
You don't even need gym gear!!! They provide you with black training gear because they have to wet the belts to make it effective so you don't want your own gym clothes getting damp especially if you came in your gym clothes. You can do it bare foot or with your own trainers on.
I was super nervous to try and especially when he was just about to switch it on as i felt i was going to blow up! (i didn't)
But it starts off super soft to try and get you used to it. It just feels like pins and needles but don't worry you do get used to it. By the end you'll be asking them to turn it up.
So once your all tuned up and ready to go, you start training which is very light for the first go. I felt like i didn't even do a workout which is good because i did have to get on the bus straight after.
Obviously the more you go the harder they can train you.
They save your details too such as as how high you like and can handle the currents going through you body so when you turn up you can just plug your card in and it goes to your settings.
They also offer to weigh you and find out your body fat mass etc which is good if you plan to keep on going to see what you can reduce.
They have some special offers on too atm so make sure to check them out here
You can trial it so get 2 sessions for £25.
They do packages too such as a bride to be package which is handy if you're planning on getting married soon.
Have you ever heard of this or tried this?

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