Bedroom Athletics are one of my favourite pj brands. They have a special place in my heart because i have actually met the people behind the brand and they're the nicest people. I'm feel so proud of them when i see them in a store like Fenwicks because they're not a massive brand that everyone knows of but they should.
The quality is simply amazing. That's one of the things that made me fall in love with them the first time. Us girls and boys know that pjs get a lot of wear out of them and after a while them become worn and loose. There's nothing worse than your pj bottoms falling down. Not bedroom athletics pjs.
They have that elasticated strip along the top which adds to the quality and life of them but also it looks good.
Another amazing thing about them is that they always have lush thick ties on the bottoms to tie the perfect bows! Its always the smallest of details that make the big picture after all!
The top is nice a thick and its one of those tops where us girls can wear it without a bra and still go to the door when the postie rings the door bell and not have to cover up! Yano what i mean lasses.
BUT you haven't seen anything yet. These slippers are the best things i have in my life right now.
They dont slip off when you're running around the house like a looney to get things done. They don't come off when lying on the sofa.
They are made with Grade A Australian Sheepskin lining. Whos needs Ugg's?
If you still haven't bought all your christmas presents and you're struggling with what to get them then i suggest you head over to BEDROOM ATHETICS and check out their stuff and see for yourself.
They wont be disappointed thats for sure!
Have you heard or have any of their stuff?

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