A girl i spotted was wearing paper clips in her hair!!
Before i start i just want to say, yes i realise i had a pause in the holiday posts but there is a good reason and this is the reason! All will resume back to normal once this and another post is done.
If you're following me on Instagram (lauracranston1) or twitter (LauraCranston) then you will know and will probs be sick of me banging on about my time in London. CoughSorrynotsorry.
I've been banging on about it because it was suchhhh a good time. It was the second time i've been to London so i was still such a tourist, i am actually surprised i didn't walk around like Joey off Friends like the time he went to London!
So the reason i went to London was because i was lucky enough to win a competition by Benefit Cosmetics which meant they invited me down for a photoshoot and it was an opportunity i couldn't let pass by. I will do a separate post as i don't want it to be so long and it deserves its own blog post.
I nearly couldn't get anyone to come with me but my lovely boyfriend Adam stepped up to the mark and made me one happy girl and sorted the job so he could come. I thought it would be dead easy to find a hotel and yeah i know its expensive but obviously i didn't want to spend a fortune for a weekend. We decided that Adam would drive from Manchester so we needed a hotel with a car park and i was shocked to find how much they were charging for the car park the closer you got to London! One was £35 per day which is a bit silly. So we decided to look a bit out from the city center but we didn't know how far out and how long it would take to get into the city. Ahhh nightmare. Anyway, at 3am we finally found somewhere. There was a choice of three places but two of them were bog standard and the third was a wow factor which was only £12 more than the other two. So obvs we went for the lush one. It was called Novotel in Brentford. We researched how long it took to get into the center which was only 30mins on the tube which wasn't bad and parking was £15 per 24hours which is better than £35. So for the two nights it was costing £180 for a queen bed with a sofa bed.
I have never been more excited in my life.
First of all though i had to get a morning delivery shift at work over and done with. Then travel down to Manchester on the train to meet Adam and then drive down to London so it was safe to say i was bloody shattered!
We were doing so well with not getting lost, up until we actually seen the sign for the hotel and then we couldn't work out how you get into the car park as it was a no entry so we had to drive past only to realise we were getting taken onto the motorway. Oops.
Anyway, we finally made it to the hotel at 10pm. We fell in love with the place as soon as we stepped into reception. It is so different and quirky!! To start off the reception isn't your normal big desk, it was people walking around with ipads not just stood behind a desk.
Got sorted and went up to the room only to be blown away again. By this crazy wall in the bathroom, that turned transparent when you pressed a button!!!!! You HAVE to check out my video on Instagram just to see this! (lauracranston1)
Don't want to bore you with anymore of the hotel but lets just say it was fricking amazing. The staff were so friendly and they couldn't have been more helpful.
The next day was the photoshoot! Afterwards we went to Tower bridge as we didn't have time to visit that the day before. What a better way to top off the weekend than a meal on the riverside overlooking the bridge at the restaurant Cote!
Sorry i have overloaded you with images but you can see what an amazing time i had!

loved this post!! your hair is AMAZE! xxx themstudio13.com