There is nothing wrong with shopping at Primark. If anything it makes you a better fashionista for being able to shop with a budget and still look good. Don't get me wrong I love a good quality shop but I'm the kinda girl who loves a bargain and I'd like to be that blogger that shows you what's out there for everyone and not just show you the expensive stuff that some bloggers do.
So anyway, pay day came and I went a bit wild. In Primark and in Zara. Here is what I bought..
When this whole scrunchie craze came about I didn't like I'd end up being one of those girls. But I can't resist bright colours and especially for my holiday. Just imagine, sitting on the beach with that salty hair getting in your face and being able to pull it back with these two little dudes. Don't worry i will post a selfie haha! I hate flat hair and these scrunchies have got wire in the ends so you can bend them do whatever you want with them so they'll add a bit of oommmfff to your look.
I'm obsessed with little cute gold necklaces and I'm always scruggling to find them! So when I spotted this beauty for £1.50 I grabbed it and loved it as soon as it got on my neck. I also bought these stack rings which I've been loving lately but I'm not a ring fan. They add that extra bit of something to your look. Plus I like gold jewellery with blonde hair.
This is from my second trip. I originally went to grab another one of them necklaces and those rings but the rings had gone (told you you need to be quick). This is what I ended up with..oops!
White sandals with a tan and gold buckles. Wowza. This is my love right here. They are SO comfy and I cannot wait to wear these. I'm also obsessed with white if you hadn't noticed! Bargain at £8.
Grabbed another one of those necklaces and bought a similar one! And since they didn't have the rings I wanted I bought these midi rings. Which I will wear with my gold stacked rings.
I'd seen these trousers on someone's Instagram but in the blue colour. I loved them but didn't think they were very me as they're abit too quirky for me. So I spotted these bad boys in black/grey. I love that they're high waisted as I find Primark jeans a bad fit as they fit on the legs but too slack on the waist so because these are meant to be tighter at the waist they're a perfect fit. (£13.)
I will wear these with a white top and those white sandals. And for back here in the UK I will team with a leather jacket on those chilly typical British days.
Prints are all in. So when I spotted this palm tree print top I was in loooove. More at the fact that it was £4!! This is something that I will wear through the day on holiday with denim shorts. I also think this will look cool at a music festival and since I'm going to VFestival this year I thought I'd get a second wear out of it.
Don't think I'm mad for shopping in the kids department. Because it's cheaper and sometimes they have nicer stuff! Like this dress..they don't have one in the adults department and it's lush. It's a neon pink with a texture print on it. It's a drop waist dress so it's flattering and girly. Which both of those is what I look for in every dress. (£9).
By the way, I've only started shopping in the kids department since I started working at H&M kids and realised I fit into them.
I bought this top to go with my checked pants. I like the draping detail on the back as it gives it a twist to a plain white top. (£6)
Expect a lot of these posts because I love shopping in bulk at Primark and I feel we all need to pass on info of what's on offer at cheap prices because it all goes so quick.
Have you bought any these products?
Anything else you've spotted at Primark?

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