And just letting you guys know that I won Superdrugs bloggers competition!!!!! YIPEEEEE. Love winning things no matter what they are so was super excited to be told I would be receiving a parcel from them and I will produce three looks with the products they provide and maybe even a cheeky nail look. This will all be published on their website so quite soon you will see my little face on their site. Don't worry though I will keep you posted and will be shouting from the rooftops when I see myself on their page.
Anyway back to business. The last post I done was a boots haul and i said I would do a review when I was back so here it is.
I explained in the haul that I had already used to Lee Stafford Bleach Blondes shampoo and that I loved it. It just made my hair less orangey/yellow. I can't explain it but it just seemed to do the trick and I'm so glad I listened to Zoella (watch her hair are haul, it may help you as it certainly helped me!). It's great for those in between salon times and us blondes have more problems than anyone else so anything to help us with the in between times is welcomed with open arms. I've been blonde most my life (with being every colour under the sun in between) and don't understand why I've never used a purple shampoo before! Well I can safely say I will be using it once every week for the rest of my life. And yes it really is purple!
I used it in the bath and it turned the water purple which looks strange but cool. I may use it in the shower next time!
Not to mention that it smells lush and makes your hair feel refreshed.
Again, I bought the Lee Stafford Argon Oil Heat Defence spray due to being told to off Zoella. Watching her vlog made me feel bad that I didn't use a heat protection spray and maybe it's the help I need as whenever I used the straightners to straighten or curl my hair it feels a little frail. So I thought why not splash out and buy the most expensive one, not really but it's not cheap! £12.99 for this bottle and I think I'm going to use it quickly! I've been using this all week on holiday and feel like it does really make a difference as I've at least straightened or curled my hair everyday as well as using the hair dryer on it. I felt like it had more life to it and not slowly killing it by doing it everyday. I suppose (or I will use this as an excuse anyway) this is why I don't tend to make an effort with my hair on a day to day basis on the fact that I don't want to kill my hair. I normally let it dry naturally and just put it up or go au natural. Now I can actually have curly hair most days. Maybe.
Nowwwww onto this product that I wasn't sure about. The Lee Stafford Lightening Spray. I bought this on a whim thinking 'well it claims to lightening my roots so I'm going to believe it'. I am still unsure of this as I was using it on holiday when my hair goes lighter anyway so I don't really know if it does work or it was mostly the sun doing all the lightening. To be honest I really don't think it does work. It says it lightens your roots or brightens up highlighted hair. It doesn't smell that great either. I thought all Lee Stafford things smelt amazing!! So if I was you, I would spend your £6 on something else. However I am going to continue to use this back in the uk (where there is no sun) and will see if it makes a difference. If it does it's a miracle and will certainly let you know!
As for the little bottle on the left well that's my best mate. She smells amazing and is very protective of your locks on holiday. It's also in such a cute little bottle enough for two holidays if your hair medium length hair.
Hope this helps to keep your lusous locks lush!
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