Every girl must love Barry M nail varnish! And so when a new collection comes out I jump on it. Walked into Superdrug and seen these new Silk collection. The colours are pastel colours which I LOVE. I bought my two favs colours which are the pink and the green/turquoise. It was buy one get on half price at the time but they are normally £3.99 which isn’t bad pricing for how good they are. Tried them both on my hand straight away when I got home (like everyone does with a new nail varnish) and fell in love with the pink one. Not so much the green but I need to give it another go as it hasn’t had a chance because I’ve had the pink one on my finger nails for the last 3 weeks. They are a Matt finish which I’m not too keen on so I applied a clear other the top to finish it off and it makes it look amazing. Great with fake tan or a natural tan if you’re lucky!
Garner fake tan face mist. It was around £5.99 so not cheap but I thought I’d try it as I don’t like putting fake tan on my face, as you know how protective I am over my skin. So the first time I used this I was a bit naive and sprayed it a bit too much as it’s hard to see how much you’re putting on as it’s gradual. Once you get the hang of it and you know how much to spray the. It’s great. I also love it on my neck and fake tan doesn’t really go on my neck that we’ll and goes patchy very quickly.
So overall I really like these Superdrug buys!

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