If I'm honest, wearing lipstick is something that happens at the last minute. I don't do my makeup around the fact if I'm wearing lipstick or not. Or I don't think ooo ill wear that lipstick with that dress. It sort of just happens. I will do my makeup and then last minute check what colours I have and see if they look nice. If they do then I will wear it if not il stick with good old Vaseline as I'm not a fan if lipgloss! I just think it gets in the way whatever you're doing. If you go out, your hair blows into your lipgloss and gets stuck, if you go on a date the you have a little smooch and it comes off, if you go out out then it goes onto your glass. So yeah, I never wear it. I like the thought and think it looks lovely but Im more of a lipstick girl. So I don't have as many lipsticks as you think and it's only recently that I'm being more and more brave about wearing it. So here I've picked out my main lipsticks.

This is a TOPSHOP lipstick in shade Whimsicle. TOPSHOP used to be my fav brand of lipsticks but after trying some more brands out I've figured out they aren't my favourite anymore. I feel these ones dry too easily. I like a lipstick that has a shine or a one that doesn't pick up and stick to all the dry places on my lips. This one has a shine and goes on moist but after a while it comes off but leaves a sort of liner around the lips which isn't great. Also dries easily. But the shade is a nice nude shade which is always nice.

Now this one, is AMAZING. It's a Miss Sporty lipstick in the shade Sweet Berry. It was a cheap one from Superdrug around £3.99. It actually has a cherry smell to it which is always nice to have a lovely smell coming from your lips. It's smooth and soft and goes on shiney yay! It stays like this too. If you're not a fan of shiney lipstick then you can always pat it with toilet roll and pop and dot of powder over the top to help make it stay. It stays on brilliantly too. I've used this on a night out and only applied it once thorough out the night which is good going I think! Also the shade is just amazing.
This is me on the night out which is a themed night(pub golf) and I don't think I've reapplied it yet. You can see how bright and how nice the colour is.
Here is another TOPSHOP lippy, in the shade Oh La La. Which is better than the one featured above as it lasts a little bit longer. The shade is abit more brighter and more summery. You can see the shine that this one has which is why I like it better.
Last but not least, MUA in shade Juicy. This was another cheap one from Superdrug! Superdrug is the place to go for cheap but good lipsticks! I loooove this one. It's more creamier and brighter than the TOPSHOP ones and lasts longer. It's more like a coral nude colour which is one that I love if you couldn't have guessed.
Have you found a cheap lippy that you think I will like?
Lipstick can be hard because it wears off so quickly. I always put concealer on my lips, apply the lip color, pat with a tissue, apply more concealer and then a final coat of lipstick. I swear it helps keep the color in place!
ReplyDeleteLavish Introvert
Oooo thanks for the tip :)!, xx