Well I've seen a few people uploading images to Instagram (and if you don't follow me on Instagram then shame on you. Go do it now - lauracranston1) of lots of gorgeous products they have bought and most of them is a lottttt of products in one go! If you're wondering why are people buying in bulk at the moment. Well the answer is simply Boots. Head over there now and you will see what the fuss is. They have a 3 for 2 offer on and I walked in thinking nothing of it (didn't seem like a big deal to me) but slowly buy surely I got sucked right in their little trap.
I ended up walking out with £23 of stuff which I didn't plan on buying and didn't think I really needed but hey ho I'm so excited to try them!
Firstly I found myself at the Lee Stafford section because of Zoella (if you don't know her then shame on you again, she is beautiful and has the most hilarious vlogging videos ever made. She could be the reason I vlogging). Anyway, she talked about her hair care in one of her videos and made me feel really bad that I don't use a heat spray DUN DUN DUNNNN. I admit it, I don't, never have either. Which is really bad I know especially because of how much I go on about keeping my hair in mint condition and because I dye it. So I caved and bought the exact same one she uses which is the Lee Stafford Argon Oil Heat Defence Spray £12.99 which I cringed a bit at the price because I like to spend my money on things that I can see a difference and I don't feel this is gonna show me a difference. But I know it's going to keep my hair in good condition and protect it which it needed protecting a lot. I don't use straighteners that much because I hate the way it makes the ends of my hair feel when I do it so hopefully I can curl my hair more because this is going to make my hair feel beautiful. Fingers crossed it better.
I also bought the Lee Stafford Bleach Blonde Shampoo which Zoella talked about and I admit again that as I blonde haired girl, I've never used purple shampoo. I don't no why because it's meant to take those brassy tones out and keep it looking a nice colour blonde. So I bought the shampoo and unfortunately not the conditioner because they had ran out but surely the shampoo will work without the conditioner right?! I actually used this last night and never have I never been so excited to try a new shampoo before simply because it was actually purple! I suggest don't try this in a bath because it turned the water purple, but it looked sooo cool haha. I'm so intrigued at how it can take those brassy colour out, and to be honest I wasn't expecting anything big because if it's not a dye the. I don't understand. Well anyway I dried my hair and it actually works! My hair had a lot of brassy tones as I'm in the middle stage of going from a home dying kit blonde to a hair dressers blonde, and there is a big difference! It's just refreshed the blonde and that is exactly what it claims to do. So if you have blonde hair and have never tried this then u suggest you do because I wish so one had told me to buy it years ago. It wasn't that expensive, £6ish. I realise it is quiet expensive for a shampoo and a shampoo you only use once a week but it is so worth it.
Now, onto the most bizarre product yet. The Lee Stafford Lightening Spray. I am so dubious about this product because it claims to lightening your hair! It says, for those roots or highlighted hair that need lightening. I mean, how can it do this?! And anything that claims to get rid of roots without a trip to the salon then I'm all for it but I'm not holding any hope to this working but let's try it out! It will be a bit difficult to see because my hair always goes lighter in the sun anyway but I am hoping if I spray this on my roots and then go into the sun it will help get rid of my roots totally? I guess not but it might help. I am guessing this is similar to putting lemon juice on your hair and sitting out in the sun as it says it's a citrus spray. And yes before you ask I have tried sitting out in the sun with lemon juice on my hair..and no it wasn't when I was young, well if you class 20 as young then yes. When I was at uni I would do anything to help make my hair blonder as I couldn't afford hair dye, how tragic. And no it didn't work. So this is why I'm not holding any hope for this product.
This again was around £6ish.
Finally, this little bottle of goodness is my holiday essential. You protect your body from the sun so you should protect your hair. This little bottle is enough to last all holiday and most of the times two holidays. You just need to spritz a little on your hair before you go out in the sun and reapply if you go in the sea or pool. I don't no if this actually works or not but I like to think it is. Because you can't see that it's working it's hard to tell but alsong as it's protecting my hair then that's all I need to know. Smells lovely too.
Anyway that is all guys. I am away on holiday as we speak travelling to the airport.
I am back in a week so will have lots of outfit posts to upload and try out vlogging!
Let me know if you have tried these and love them or hate them in the comments.

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